Wednesday 16 February 2011

Quick Sorry

It would appear as though the second month of the year is simply not my month. My internet connection went down on Monday leaving me with a limited mobile access. I can see a randomling in the future. I just want to say a heart felt thanks for all the lovely comments people have left over Handmade Monday's post. And a huge sorry for everyone I am yet to visit and check out their handmade goodies!
I will be back to the world of virtual living in the next day or two, so you can be sure I will be paying you all a visit. And hello to all my new followers :) Not ignoring anyone. I feel totally cut off from the world lol.

So again sorry to everyone and I expect lots of blog posts to read when I 'get back' :D

Hope there are no major typos here... My phone won't let me check hehehe.


  1. I would feel like I have lost a limb if I was to do without the internet ! Hope you are well and will see you back online soon! :-)

    Francesca x

  2. I was just about to write the same thing Francesca!! I'm lost if I lose the internet for 5 mins!!

  3. Cant imagine what i would do without the internet now as i am obsessed with it.
    Things can only get better! Looking forward to more random ramblings!

  4. I am the same.. no internet = no happy lol. hopefully you can use the time to do extra crafts :D x

  5. AND I'M BACK!!!! I have regrown my arms WOOOOOHOOOO

    Thank you all for your well wishes! ;)
